Screenie vita hgacks
Screenie vita hgacks

screenie vita hgacks

Sorry-TMI? Just thought you’d want me to start at the most intimate. And I’d sing: Viva President Fernando Valdes Estregan! “Vita,” he’d whisper, “my life”-touching my face with fingers smelling of Marlboros and Brylcreem, caressing my closed eyes like a blind lover wishing a final farewell. Between two fingers I’d make little FVE march, and dance, and sing the national anthem-falsetto, vibrato-and peck it on the head, declaring: Viva il Duce! When the president laughed he looked like his dashing old self from the Technicolor screen. But it was in my lover’s that I believed truly, coz he believed in me, and let me lead. Did you know that we spend a life’s total of ninety days on the can? He admired men so great we know them by their initials: JFK, LKY, FDR-the kind you’d never imagine on a porcelain throne-though most of all he respected Hitler, the brilliant and tragic, he said, whose one name was enough. On his lap I’d lay my head and talk to it: Hello there, little sir, you look noble, endearing-why do you quiver with such rage? At attention it resembled a speechifying Mussolini, like in the photos in the biographies the president left by the toilet in my CR.

screenie vita hgacks

His is bigger than you’d guess, smaller than he thinks-and would prove his downfall, obviously. I know you’re wondering-yes, it’s true: his birdie is thick, as he’s always saying, but like a thumb is to a finger, and hard to find beneath the paunch and hair that make a nest for it to rest on its two eggs-or repose, if metaphor’s more politically correct re: the pitutoys of powerful men.

Screenie vita hgacks